Elements Candles

Elements Candles

Long before scientists discovered atoms, the ancient Greek mathematician Plato believed the world was made of four elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. He believed that four geometric shapes (now called Platonic Solids) were the building blocks of these elements. Inspired by this, Thorunn Arnadottir created our new collection called ELEMENTS. Each ELEMENTS candle is imbued with scent and color to reflect its poetry and power.

Long before scientists discovered atoms, the ancient Greek mathematician Plato believed the world was made of four elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. He believed that four geometric shapes (now called Platonic Solids) were the building blocks of these elements. Inspired by this, Thorunn Arnadottir created our new collection called ELEMENTS. Each ELEMENTS candle is imbued with scent and color to reflect its poetry and power.

  • Elements Candle - Water
    Elements Candle - Water

    Elements Candle - Water

    Regular price $35.00
  • Elements Candle - Fire
    Elements Candle - Fire

    Elements Candle - Fire

    Regular price $35.00
  • Elements Candle - Earth
    Elements Candle - Earth

    Elements Candle - Earth

    Regular price $35.00
  • Elements Candle - Air
    Elements Candle - Air

    Elements Candle - Air

    Regular price $35.00